My name is Ute Zimmermann, Ph.D. and I am the Media Chair at SGVPA.
I am excited to see you are interest in becoming a member of the Media Committee.
Your help is welcome.
There are numerous of opportunities to help out.
If you have a specific area of expertise that you would like to utilize, please let me know.
Some of the areas we are developing and/or need help with are:
- Instagram - we would like to re-connect to Instagram and need one or more individuals to help us monitor Instagram feeds
- The Calendar - this is a great opportunity to know what stay informed with what is happening at SGVPA. Tasks would involve, amongst others, help keep the calendar up to date by contacting various committee chairs about their upcoming events etc.
- FB - specifically keeping members informed about our presence and inviting them into our FB page as well as regular monitoring of FB feeds.
- There are lots of opportunities to work on the Webpage itself such as:
- keeping pages up to date or creating new pages
- adding content to existing webpages
- there is a lot of room for helping create and built the student part of the webpage
- If you have a specific thought or talent you would like to bring on board, you are invited to do so.
I look forward to hearing from you! e-mail me at:
[email protected]