Full or part-time therapy office available in the tranquil and iconic Evergreen Office Building on Marengo and Del Mar in Pasadena. This attractive, furnished office has a large private window for natural lighting along with both street and underground parking. There is a comfortable waiting room (with a light system for check-in) that is fully separated from the office areas and a kitchenette for the therapists.
Please contact me directly at [email protected] or call me at 626-536-4751 if you,or someone you know, is interested. Thank you for helping spread the word!
Duane Alleman, Ph.D.
Pacific Psychological Resources
200 E. Del Mar Blvd., Suite 122
Pasadena, CA

Diversity Conference: Empowering the Spectrum of Psychology

May 18, 2024
Live CE
9:00am- 4:00pm
Location: Enki Youth and Family Mental Health Services
3208 Rosemead Blvd #200, El Monte, CA 91731
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sgvpa-diversity-conference-2024-empowering-the-spectrum-of-psychology-tickets-849607728587?aff=oddtdtcreator

Detailed Information Packet

Wayne Kao, PsyD.

Elisa Hernandez, PhD.

Alex Wong, PsyD

Janiel Henry, PsyD.

Agueda Rivas, LMFT

James Hamill, PsyD.

Emily Morales, PsyD.

Elizabeth Stuart, PhD.

Lisa Sui, BA.

Thomas Zhong, BA

Carlos Flores, MA

Healing Rhythms Mental Health Grief & Loss Support Group Wednesdays 3-4pm in Monrovia

Healing Rhythms Mental Health Existential Student Support Group 1st & 3rd Fridays 10am-12pm in Monrovia